Good Samaritan’S Act Of Kindness To A Family Makes Him Get Punished Instead

Do you believe in karma? We have all heard that good deeds should be done regardless of the consequences. However, at times a good deed doesn’t get rewarded the way we expect them to be – as happened with Vim Vijaya.

The Good Samaritan tried to help out a family in need. In return, all they left him with was a huge mess and potential monetary loss.

How Vim Vijaya’s Helping Hand Didn’t Meet the Result He Wanted

Vim Vijaya is now looking at the possibility of a major clean up that will cost him a lot of money. He had wanted to help the young family out of the kindness of his heart and had expected nothing in return except civility.

He offered free accommodation to the Perth family, when they informed him that their previous house had been burned down. The family, it seems, took advantage of his kindness, causing him significant damage in just over two weeks of their stay there, before they disappeared.

The landlord will now have to pay a $30,000 damage bill if he wants to see his house restored to its original condition. They left the house in a mess, filled with old food and worms. Even blood and needles were found in a heap. The occupants also spilled greasy motor oil all over the house including the laundry floor, the walls, and the ceiling.

Professional cleaners have already devoted four days to clean out the Kelmscott house which is located in south-east Perth. However, a lot remains to be done, and the bill is continuously going up.

When Mr. Vijaya had seen two young women with two young children in need of support, he had not hesitated for even a minute. Since they had lost all their possessions in a fire, he allowed them to stay in his brand-new house without charging any rent. He now regrets his good deed because it has put his life in jeopardy.

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9 Vintage Beauty Trends That Are Rolling Back To Our Present Regimes

If you ever catch yourself thinking about a vintage trend in beauty or fashion that it’s never going to come back again, you need to take a second and check yourself. Bringing back trends of the yesteryears isn’t about its duplication in the contemporary times. That takes away the relevance of fashion as something that is ever-changing.

However, it is undoubtedly about renovating and rethinking the trends of the years gone by and optimising them for the present times. There may be multiple things in our wardrobes which are, in some way or the other, inspired by the trends that ruled the fashion industry in the years gone by.

You can often see designers commemorating a specific iconic trend or creation by another master designer from the past by putting their twist to that. So, if the designers sitting in Paris, Milan, London, and New York are people who directly or indirectly seep into our daily sartorial choices, it’s natural that these ‘comeback trends’ will too, somehow or the other.

The 9 Vintage Beauty Trends that Still Hold the Charm Today

Let us go through nine of these vintage trends that have made a comeback and how:

1. Blunt Bangs

The 70s cool chicks had their boho, gipsy vibe on full mode with their blunt bags. Like every beauty trend, this trend was also propagated by a youth icon, music legend Joni Mitchell who inspired quite a few hair stylists. Decades later, we saw supermodel Tyra Banks donning that same haircut with as much grace as can be expected of her.

2. Centre-Parted Hair

You may think that is just a natural hairdo that comes without even styling it intentionally, but you’re mistaken. Centre-parted sleek hair was called “rich girl hair” by NY Mag, and it was quite the rage in the 70s. Cut to the present times, we see models with sleep, simple, centre-parted hair not only on the ramp but off-the-ramp as well. It’s fuss-free, and it looks incredibly chic too!

3. The Bob Cut

What can be called the IT haircut of the 70s is now being sported by more and more stars today? The bob cut used to be on the covers of magazines and the favourite hairstyle of many including Debbie Harry’s iconic platinum blonde. Today, you will see more than just one youth star smashing that same haircut. Rita Ora, for example, looked like a million bucks in a blonde bob and showed the world that bob is still very much in.

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India Provides Maximum New Australian Citizens Annually

India Provides Maximum New Australian Citizens Annually

Thousands of people from India immigrate every year in a bid to fulfil their dreams. One of the more popular choices among Indian immigrants is Australia. The vast opportunities offered by the continent in educational and professional fields make it a good place to settle in. A recent study found that India is the topmost source when it comes to Australian citizenship in the last five years. India has managed to overtake the United Kingdom which held the position before.

The Number talk:

Almost 118,000 Indian-born migrants have legally adopted Australian citizenship since the year, 2013-14. These people have pledged their allegiance to the continent. Moreover, the number of Australia visa recipients is also the highest in India as can be deduced from the data collected by their annual permanent immigration program.

Alan Tudge, the Former Citizenship minister, disclosed statistics related to citizenship statistics in the Federal Parliament some time ago this year. As of 28th February 2018, 10,168 applications of the total 54,419 approved citizenship applications were from Indian-born migrants. That makes them the biggest group of people with approved visas. The United Kingdom follows India with 9,195 approved visas. South Africa comes third on the list with

2,617 applications while the Philippines accounted for 2,399.

Down the list, we have Sri Lanka (1962), the Republic of Ireland (1,731), People’s Republic of China (1559) and South Korea (1,200).

The year 2016-17 alone saw more than 22,000 Indians accepting Australian citizenship while 19,617 people from the UK pledged their allegiance to Australia in the same period. Indian-born migrants had occupied the top position since 2013-14 when 26,040 people were offered Australian citizenship. The United Kingdom has always been a close second.

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5 Foods That Will Increase Your Hdl


As we grow older, cholesterol is one of those things that we must all watch, but while LDL can be harmful and life threatening, HDL is the ‘good cholesterol’ that we all want. In this article, we give you a short list of foods that you can eat to boost your HDL levels.

Density Lipoprotein is the good kind of cholesterol for your body, so it’s the kind of cholesterol that you want more of. Low Density Lipoprotein, also called LDL, blocks up the arteries and increases your risk of stroke and heart attacks, so it is the kind of cholesterol you want less of in your body. The American Heart Association recommends getting cholesterol blood test by the age of 20, and the ideal HDL level is 60 milligrams/decilitre.

Here are a few foods that increase your HDL levels.


1. Whole grains

Whole grains like bran, cereals, brown or wild rice may give your HDL levels a boost because they contain fibre. Try and have at least two servings of whole grains per day. This could be as simple as a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, a slice or two of brown bread for lunch and a side of rice for dinner.

2. Nuts

Brazil nuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts and cashew contain a lot of heart healthy fats and are also high in fibre and plant sterols, which block the absorption of cholesterol in your body. Keep in mind that nuts are high calorific in nature, so if you’re watching the number of calories you intake, keep a measuring cup handy so that you don’t consume more than you intend to.

3. Avocado

Known as a superfood for its many healing properties, an avocado a day will most likely fulfil all your HDL needs. Add slices of avocado to salads, soups and sandwiches. Avocados are rich in folate, a healthy monounsaturated fat that boosts HDL, lowers LDL, and reduces your risk of heart attack, stroke and heart disease.

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Best Caravan Parks In Australia


‘Travel can often be expensive. What if we told you that you could take caravan trips within Australia without having to break your budgets, that will leave you feeling refreshed and wanting more? Well, read on.’

Who says holidays have to be expensive affairs? If you’re short on cash, or if you’ve just come back from a budget busting trip and you want to scratch the travel itch a bit more lightly, say hello to the caravan holiday. This will take you back in time, but it is true to the Australian culture of mateship and ‘chilling out’ that so many of us seem to have forgotten today.

So go ahead and get back in touch with your Australian roots. As you probably know, Australia is full of perfect locations where you could go ‘caravaning’. Here is a selection that we absolutely love from around the country.

1. New South Wales

Between Forster and Port Stephens, north of Syndey, there are a clutch of too-good-to-be-true beaches that you can choose from. The Seven Mile Beach near Booti Booti National Park is as good a beach as any. There is natural vegetation right up to the sand, an uninterrupted shoreline, and clean breaking waves.

If you want to experience the white sands of Seven Mile Beach fully, Sundowner Tiona Tourist Park is your best bet, nestled between the beach, the cabbage palm trees of Wallis lake, and Booti Booti National Park. Just bring your swimming gear and your fishing line – you don’t need anything else to relax at the tourist park. They have a lot of camp and caravan sites where you can kick back your shoes, put up your feet, and relax.

2. Northern Territory

In this region, nothing beats taking an early morning boat trip as the light just begins to hit the 70-metre walls at Katherine Gorge. The trail is 12 kilometres long, so you can either hire a canoe and explore it through water, or you can hit the walking trails and take a hike, for which you will need your walking shoes and plenty of water.

The best place to stay for you would be Shady Lane Tourist Park. Don’t be put away by the name. It is Katherine’s top Tourist Member Park just five minutes away from Nitmiluk National Park (the indigenous name for Katherine Gorge). Sit back and relax under the shady trees with a cool drink and watch the world go by, or take a dip in the sparkling swimming pool after enjoying a cruise on the Gorge.

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Farmers Affected By Drought Challenge Scott Morrison’S Climate Change Assertion In A Tv Ad

Farmers affected by drought challenge Scott Morrison’s climate change assertion in a TV ad

About a month ago, Prime Minister Scott Morrison visited drought-stricken areas in Australia to meet with farmers and assess the effect of the drought on their farms and produce. During the tour, he was quoted as saying that he will prefer to leave the discussion surrounding who and what is responsible for climate change “for another day”. He went further to say that in his opinion, the farmers do not care much about what or who is to blame for climate change and that he has not taken part in debates about climate change because he is more interested in policies that will address the problem of drought.

In essence, the Prime minister was telling the farmers that he is not ready to establish legislation that will reduce emissions by 26% according to the Paris climate change declaration. My Morrison was also alluding that the farmers are not interested in climate change discussion, but in finding solutions to the drought as soon as possible.

In response to these comments, The Australian Conservation Foundation has sponsored a TV advertisement featuring drought-affected farmers who hold the view that global warming caused by human activities is one of the reasons for the present drought we are experiencing in many placed Australia-wide. In the ad, the farmers will also plead with the Morrison government to take stringent measures to curb emissions.

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Cyber Attack Risk: A threat too big for businesses to ignore

Cyber Attack Risk: A threat too big for businesses to ignore

Nowadays, cyber attacks are becoming too frequent and costly for businesses. In spite of the increasing number of cyber attacks against all sorts of companies and public sector associations, most Australians stay uninformed of the requirement of compelling digital strength specialists have cautioned.

The Government’s Cybersecurity Breaches Survey in 2017 found out that in the past year 42-48 computers of United Kingdom organisations identified at least one cybersecurity break or assault. The figure for medium-sized organisations (50-249 representatives) was 66 pc; for large organisations (more than 250 workers) was 68 pc.

The average cost to big businesses of a cyber-attack was $36000, even though now and again the figure raced to a large number of bucks.

The Australian Financial Review conducted a roundtable discussion in partnership with ACS. Here are the views of some of the participants at that discussion.

According to Fergus Hanson, the head of International Cyber Policy Centre, the relaxed and calm attitude of most people towards cyber threats is due to the perception of a lack of threats. Suppose someone gets their credit/debit card stolen, and they will not be that much concerned with it because they know that their bank will make things better again. He also says that it’s a data breach of personal information and it gets on the deep web. Not all of us surf the deep web, so people think it doesn’t bother them.

Other participants on this topic say that even if most are aware of the risks regarding the cyber threats, they do not know how to prevent them. People should learn about the problems caused by these attacks and how they can avoid it.

Cyber Threat advances:

The number of cyber threats continues as an upward trend since the year 2015. Last year, there was an increase of 101.2% of ransomware variants.

According to Simon Ratcliff, the head of cyber security at SingTel Optus, the majority of the population is taking the view that cybersecurity is too tricky, they do not understand it correctly, and hence they think nothing could be done to prevent this problem. There is like a great disarray haze that keeps them from feeling cyber threats can be avoided.

According to Maria Milosavljevic, the chief information security officer for the NSW government, most people do not understand the technology and get more scared because of that. They think they will get into more trouble by taking wrong advice which they do not follow.

She said that people need to understand that it is not just about technology, it can affect them and their business.

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Instarem Supports Kerala Flood Victims By Waiving Off Transfer Fees


InstaReM Supports Flood Victims in the Indian State of Kerala by Waiving Off Transfer Fees on Remittances for donations to Prime Minister’s relief fund
Individual remitters sending funds to Kerala for family maintenance, medical treatment and hotel accommodation will also be not charged any transfer fees

InstaReM, Southeast Asia’s leading digital money transfer company, has announced waiving off of transfer fees on remittances to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) to help the victims of the devastating floods that have severely stressed the south Indian state of Kerala. This step is aimed at enabling the influential non-resident Indian (NRI) community to contribute to the relief efforts for the people affected by the worst floods in nearly a century in the southernmost Indian state.

Also, will process individual remittances to the state of Kerala for the purposes of family maintenance, medical treatment fees, and hotel accommodations without any transfer fees.

Prajit Nanu, Co-founder and CEO of InstaReM, said, “As a responsible corporate citizen, InstaReM strongly believes in supporting people and societies in difficult times. We are closely tracking the situation in the state of Kerala and will do everything in our capacity to support the people in the state affected by the floods. Apart from waiving off the transfer fees on remittances to PMNRF, the InstaReM staff is also contributing to the relief efforts in their personal capacity. We are thankful to our customers and our banking partners in India for supporting the cause. We are hopeful that our efforts bring some comfort to the people of Kerala.”

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Mega-Stars, Mazedaar, Music, Masti & Magic Marked Melbourne’S Telstra Bollywood Dance Competition 2018

Melbourne_S Telstra Bollywood Dance Competition

Australia’s most loved Bollywood event, the 6th Annual Telstra Bollywood Dance Competition (TBDC), part of Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM), drew thousands to Melbourne’s Federation Square on Saturday, 11 August 2018 with returning judge Bollywood superstar Malaika Arora, joined by Bollywood heavyweights Nikkhil Advani and Avtar Panesar to judge all the Bollywood dancing action from 31 dance groups.

The Telstra Bollywood Dance Competition immediately followed the emotional Indian Independence Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony, with India’s most celebrated actress and queen of Bollywood, Rani Mukerji hoisting the flag in front of thousands of Indian Australians and people from the subcontinent diaspora.

Winning acts LAKS Dance Crew, C Walk and Fusion Beats wowed judges with their slick, polished performances and crowd engagement and each won $1,000 prize courtesy of Telstra.

Celebrity judge Malaika Arora said, “I’d like to thank Telstra for inviting me and my co-judges here today to judge the Telstra Bollywood Dance Competition. It is wonderful to see such large numbers of people coming to support their favourite group.”


Celebrity judge Avtar Panesar said, “As someone who grew up outside of India, it is heartening to see Indian culture alive here in Australia. I see a lot of myself in these kids as they are embracing the language and culture.”

Jeremy Nicholas, Executive Director, Brand, Consumer, Business Marketing, Telstra said, “Telstra is excited and proud to connect with the South Asian community for the sixth year by supporting Australia’s most loved Bollywood event – the iconic Telstra Bollywood Dance Competition. As always, we were extremely impressed by the calibre of performances – every year the bar is set even higher.”

Fans in Australia and around the world who could not attend tuned in to watch the action streamed live and free on the IFFM Facebook page

The stream attracted over 17,000 viewers over the day.

“Telstra is delighted that so many fans in Australia and around the world were able to use the nation’s largest and fastest mobile network to livestream the event as if they were really there.”

“We know how important data is for Bollywood and dance fans wanting to stream their favourite content online. This is why we have said alvida to excess data charges on a number of our new mobile plans for use in Australia.”

Now on Australia’s best mobile network, customers can get 30GB for $69/mth with no excess data charges in Australia when you bring your own compatible phone. Min cost $828 on a 12 month BYO plan. Visit

During this year’s TBDC, fans could also participate by sending an SMS for their favourite acts and had the opportunity to ask our celebrity Bollywood judges questions throughout the competition. Over 4100 SMS votes were cast by fans and the winners on the day were:

Adult – LAKS Dance Crew
Pre-Teen – C Walk
People’s Choice – Fusion Beats

The Telstra Bollywood Dance Competition features dance performers wearing vibrant colours and traditional South Asian and Bollywood inspired costumes, captivating the audience. Competitors were judged on choreography, technique, costumes, music and props.

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The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) has shed more light on what it considers as ‘acceptable expenditure’ to meet training benchmarks.

It has also given an update on what ‘expenditure periods’ will be applied when assessing benchmark compliance.

Retrospective application of training benchmark changes

For those wondering if training benchmark changes will apply retrospectively, the position is that previous instruments and policy, rather than the new instruments, will be used to assess Standard Business Sponsors (SBS) and Employer Nominated Sponsorship (ENS) Direct Entry (DE) applications that were lodged before 1st July 2017.

As for sponsoring employers who lodged SBS applications and ENS DE nomination applications on 1st July 2017 or after, they are expected to prove having incurred new expenditure, that is expenditure dating back to the previous financial year or the previous 12 months that meets Training Benchmark A or B.

Applicants that have previously been an SBS contrary to regulations will be assessed using training requirements that applied at the time of their most recent approval as an SBS. This means that requirements may differ for particular years of their sponsorship agreement; what matters is which training benchmarks requirements were in place at the time.Read More »